Audio Record Wizard All the ideas and discussions
129 votes Vote

Include the ability to verify that the recorder is actually recording via a preview button - The last time we got something like this I left it to record for a few hours only to find it hadn't recorded anything.

Whiterabbit-uk, 28.02.2012, 08:27
Idea status: under consideration


NowSmart, 29.02.2012, 03:09
Thank you for your feedback. There is a UV meter on the right side of "Recording Level Controller", which will show you if it is recording anything.

The most important step in using Audio Record Wizard is to select the appropriate recording device before recording. So, please do some test recording to make sure that the correct device is selected.
Whiterabbit-uk, 01.03.2012, 03:03
Thank you for your reply, though it's obvious from the voting that not many noticed that. Maybe make it more obvious.

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